

The results on this page are produced by running elastiknn on the ann-benchmarks benchmark on an AWS EC2 r6i.4xlarge instance. We use task dockerStartBenchmarkingCluster to start a single-node benchmarking cluster task annbRunLocalFashionMnist to run the benchmark.

See the ann-benchmarks directory in the Elastiknn repository for more details.


Fashion MNIST

Model Parameters Recall Queries per Second
eknn-l2lsh L=100 k=4 w=1024 candidates=500 probes=0 0.379 383.178
eknn-l2lsh L=100 k=4 w=1024 candidates=1000 probes=0 0.447 324.668
eknn-l2lsh L=100 k=4 w=1024 candidates=500 probes=3 0.635 293.685
eknn-l2lsh L=100 k=4 w=1024 candidates=1000 probes=3 0.717 261.210
eknn-l2lsh L=100 k=4 w=2048 candidates=500 probes=0 0.767 334.495
eknn-l2lsh L=100 k=4 w=2048 candidates=1000 probes=0 0.847 289.825
eknn-l2lsh L=100 k=4 w=2048 candidates=500 probes=3 0.922 228.624
eknn-l2lsh L=100 k=4 w=2048 candidates=1000 probes=3 0.960 204.063

Comparison to Other Methods

If you need high-throughput nearest neighbor search for batch jobs, there are many faster methods. When comparing Elastiknn performance to these methods, consider the following:

  1. Elastiknn executes entirely in the Elasticsearch JVM and is implemented with existing Elasticsearch and Lucene primitives. Many other methods use C and C++, which are generally faster than the JVM for pure number crunching tasks.
  2. Elastiknn issues an HTTP request for every query, since a KNN query is just a standard Elasticsearch query. Most other methods operate without network I/O.
  3. Elastiknn stores vectors on disk and uses zero caching beyond the caching that Lucene already implements. Most other methods operate entirely in memory.
  4. Elastiknn scales horizontally out-of-the-box by adding shards to an Elasticsearch index. Query latency typically scales inversely with the number of shards, i.e., queries on an index with two shards will be 2x faster than an index with one shard. Few other methods are this simple to parallelize.